Welcome to EdenFantasys' asset guide! We've curated a selection of visuals and content resources to help you effectively showcase our products. Here's what's available for you:

Artfully designed category visuals

Dive into our meticulously designed category images that capture the essence of our diverse product range.


Where: main page

Product visuals

Enhance your content with our high-quality product imagery.

Source of the sample page

Emotional HQ photos

Experience our products through soft-erotic imagery, showcasing real interactions with our range.



Where: These assets not necessarily contains on every product page. But there are hundreds of products with them!

Raw HQ product visuals

Grab unadulterated, high-quality photos of our products for versatile use in your creatives.


Where: on every product page.

Play ideas pics

Utilize 2D visuals showcasing potential toy uses - ideal for articles, reviews, and content pieces.